The next time you feel yourself giving in to the sometimes overwhelming urge to panic about the fate of literature in the digital age, follow this simple remedy: remember that you dream. For that is ironclad proof . that literature–that narrative art in whatever form–will never die. Humans, strange creatures that we are, make sense of our lives by telling stories. In the space between each day and the next, we refresh our minds by concocting the most fantastic and elaborate fictions. We spend roughly a third of our lives thus, re-arranging our scattered experiences into stories. That we do it at all is bizarre and inexplicable. But as long as we do it, we will crave stories–human stories, stories that speak to us–in our waking life. The Internet, powerful as it is, cannot change that. . Adam Hammond
Some Similar Quotes
  1. Do not ruin today with mourning tomorrow. - Catherynne M. Valente

  2. Baseless victimhood is usually the last stage before outright aggression. - Stefan Molyneux

  3. We have negative mental habits that come up over and over again. One of the most significant negative habits we should be aware of is that of constantly allowing our mind to run off into the future. Perhaps we got this from our parents. Carried... - Thich Nhat Hanh

  4. The present is all we have, yet it is the one thing we will never learn to hold in our hands. - Madeleine Thien

  5. Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality. - Robin S. Sharma

More Quotes By Adam Hammond
  1. Thought doesn't wrap around awareness. Awareness wraps around thought.

  2. Arriving someplace more desirable at some future time is an illusion. This is it.

  3. Meditation does not involve trying to change your thinking by thinking some more. It involves watching thought itself. The watching is the holding. By watching your thoughts without being drawn into them, you can learn something profoundly liberating about thinking itself, which may help you...

  4. Perhaps the most "spiritual" thing any of us can do is simply to look through our own eyes, see with eyes of wholeness, and act with integrity and kindness.

  5. You might be tempted to avoid the messiness of daily living for the tranquility of stillness and peacefulness. This of course would be an attachment to stillness, and like any strong attachment, it leads to delusion. It arrests development and short-circuits the cultivation of wisdom.

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